Flash Catalyst Ideas

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D2266   Category: Designer-Develo...     Status: New Submission

Take this product from a very limited "LAB" idea to a professional product that reflect a true development process using Flex methodologies.


1. add viewstack support

2. add horizontal / vertical containers that can reside in each other

3. made this product faster and consume less PC resources

4. improve the import from psd process as it crash to often

5. improve the import from psd process to allow better import of the graphical layers (too many problems that enforce to flaten the project and result in images with problems)

6. support popup windows

7. add better transitions and make them run swiftly with no hick-ups

8. make the project thinner both in terms of disk footprint (project size) and memory


I have much more vut the general theme is that this project regardless of the bugs does not reflect a true flow of how to create complex project with popup windows viewstack containers etc.


I claim that you can not (or should not) build a multi screens project just based on states



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D2257   Category: Miscellaneous     Status: New Submission

  • 3.) Can we please export a SWC please?  And when we get this export option, can we also have an option to export only the items in the Library as a SWC and nothing else, so I can have the skin classes to use in a real world Flex project right out of Catalyst (assuming 1 and 2 are fixed.).

Compiling a SWC would be extremely helpful, especially if these other items are also fixed/added:





From my post here: http://laflash.org/2010/09/10/5-things-to-improve-flash-catalyst/

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D2210   Category: Custom Componen...     Status: New Submission

1) I define a Wall component with two states "day" and "night".

2) I define a LightSwitch component with two states, "on" and "off".

3) I place an instance of the LightSwitch onto the Wall in the "day" state and "Share to State" -> "All States"

4) I set the LightSwitch instance's state to "off" in the Wall instance's "day" state

5) I set the LightSwitch instance's state to "on" in the Wall instance's "night" state


It works but what I would expect to see is an autogenerated "Action" in the Wall's Timeline for the lightSwitch to "Set Component State :on" for the transition from "day" to "night" and "Set Component State :off" for the transition from "night" to "day". I don't.


If it was shown in the Timeline I would be able to control at what point in a "smooth" transition of a Wall from "day" to "night" the lightswitch's state is changed.

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D2209   Category: Designer-Develo...     Status: New Submission
Tags:  component  package 

Currently all the custom components are in the "components" package. It would be neat if you could set the "root" package name of the Library to, for example, "com.adobe.myapp".

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D2205   Category: Custom Componen...     Status: New Submission

In the current build of Catalyst the only way to implement what would be called a "mask" in Flash Pro is to create a rectangular custom component with clip to component bounds turned on. Unfortunately this option is only enabled for components with a manually sized bounding box. It would be nice to have support for clipping to component bounds for components with autosized bounds (the default).

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D2204   Category: Custom Componen...     Status: New Submission
Tags:  actionscript  component 

Given that any serious application will have lots of "Custom Components", it might make sense to show the class name of instances of custom components more clearly in the UI. For example, in the current build the HUD, Interation and Property panels all show "lower (Custom Component)" in the title bar where "lower" is the instance name of a Custom Component (in my example MidLevelComponent - see screenshot). Showing the instances' real class name e.g "lower : MidLevelComponent" would make it easier to manage more complex applications (and would also be far more consistent with ActionScript).

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D2203   Category: Custom Componen...     Status: New Submission
Tags:  component 

When you add multiple instances of the same Custom Component to the stage:-


a) the "instance" name is automatically set as the same as the class name (MidLevelComponent in my example). This can be confusing since you can't easily tell the difference between a reference to the class and a reference to the instance in Catalyst.


b) all the automatically generated "instance" names are identical!!! This can be confusing when you come to add an interaction. The "Choose State" dropdown shows an unhelpful list of instance names, all of which are identical making it difficult to choose the correct instance. To confuse further they all look like class names since the first letter is in upper case.


Neither of these issues is a problem in a trivial demo type applicaiton but in any serious application this could be confusing. it would be better if the generated instance name began with a lower case letter. Also the code generation engine appears to assign an explicit id property for the co


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D2202   Category: Designer-Develo...     Status: New Submission
Tags:  component  flex 

The concept of an "Optimized Graphic" in Catalyst is a bit of an odd concept for Flex developers. In reality converting something to an "Optimized Graphic" appears to create a stateless (or static) component under the hood. So why not call it by a name that better reflects what it is such as "Graphic Component" or "Static Component" and put its creation in the normal "create component" workflow?

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D2201   Category: Designer-Develo...     Status: New Submission

I would suggest the obvious:

 - support horizontal and vertical containers and layouts

 - while at it - a decent Align Panel would be very much appreciated (see Flash's Align panel...)

 - support ALL of Flex UI Components

 - enable the user to change folder structure

 - Two way seamless workflow - it would've been much easier if you could open Flash Builder FXP files in catalyst like you can export FXP files from catalyst and continue the work in Flash Builder.




Hi all

I'm a flex developer looking for the shortest workflow to use skins in flex

let's take a Button Component for example - in flex 3 i worked with upSkin DownSkin ect' pointing to Movieclips in a flash library swf

it was very convenient, despite the fact i wasn't able to version control it....


now came Flex 4, and by Adobe's Guidlines I'm encouraged to use sparkSkin skins to skin my components - the button....

so i learned the many benefits of version-controling it, the option to load skins at ru


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D2188   Category: Miscellaneous     Status: New Submission

I'd like to see an option in Catalyst preferences to not store imported video in the .FXP file. I can see the value of having this feature is sharing small .FXP files but after loading in a lot of video into a Catalyst project the .FXP file can get huge and the performance of Catalyst slows to a crawl.


If there could be an option to just save the link to where the file is at and not the entire video I would be a happy camper.

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