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Sponcedeleon I based this mainly off of the prototype examples for the rumored tablets. In particular, the time inc example, PDFs are not going to cut it in the near future IMO. I believe flash catalyst Indesign is the best, fastest, and easiest solution for designers and publishers to create these new e-magz and e-books. Just about every one in the industry uses indesign. Some still use quark but quark even offers swf export. Unfortunately, there will probably be alot of issues with apple and other tablet makers. The other tablet makers mostly will not support full flash or any type of flash b/c of Apple will not support it. I am guessing adobe is waiting to see whats going to happen this go around before they even attempt to create a solution. To be honest, I wish adobe would just make their own multimedia/e-book device based on Adobe Air and strike a deal with all the publishers and put google chrome on it. Give the publisher a sweet deal and let google put all of their online software on the system. Done deal, everybody happy and everybody can make money! It makes much more sense to me b/c most video, interactivity for the web, and conmplex animation is in flash! Probably all graphics you see on the web is created with an adobe product. To much would have to fall into place for this to happen. One more thing to add would be alpha transparency support for video. VERY IMPORTANT. Long shot-I would like to see round tripping support for after effects projects. That functionality would be great to have in flash as well. Similar to the AE/PS to Encore functionality.
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